

  MISSION:  "To value all students through a comprehensive guidance program, while empowering them to be lifelong learners and become contributing society members."

Our Guidance and Counseling Program includes: 
  • CURRICULUM consists of classroom lessons and large group presentations
  • INDIVIDUAL PLANNING consists of activities that help all students plan, monitor, and manage their own learning as well as their personal and career development.
  • RESPONSIVE SERVICES consists of activities to meet immediate needs and concerns of students.
  • SYSTEM SUPPORT consists of management activities that establish, maintain enhance the total guidance program.

Guidance and Counseling Services
The SCOPE/SSLCMS Guidance and Counseling Department
strives to enable all students to reach their academic and human potential .  To attain this goal, they offer the following services:
  • academic counseling
  • individual academic planning and advisement
  • individual counseling
  • crisis counseling
  • assistance with course selection and scheduling
  • college information and planning
  • post secondary information and planning
  • career information
  • staffing with students, parents, teachers, administrators
  • group counseling
  • classroom presentations on guidance topics
  The Following Links are for Parents, Teachers, and Students  
The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].