CELL PHONES are not permitted at SCOPE/SSLCMS school. Cell phones must be checked in and will be returned at the end of the
day. If a student is caught with a cell phone, it is an automatic
suspension of 10 days.
Mehlville School's are all smoke-free campuses as well as a Drug-Free
Zone. Please refrain from smoking or drug use. If a student is caught,
it could be a 10 day suspension.
SCOPE/SSLCMS DRESS CODE is as follows: no sagging pants, no articles of
clothing that promote liquor, drugs, crude sex, gangs or illegal
activity. Shorts and skirts are to be no shorter that 3 inches above
the knee, or body parts exposed.
SCOPE/SSLCMS follows the Mehlville School District on school
cancellation. Please listen or watch for updates and announcements. Information is broadcasted on local News Station Channels: 2, 4, 5, & 11, radio station KMOX or go to Mehlville website.